The Finders Story
Walk through the world with your eyes open, soak in the amazing, embrace the unusual, discover the hidden.
Born out of a love of food, drink and travel, of flavours and tastes, half remembered and re-invented, Finders Spirits re-writes histories and challenges the norm.
From the award-winning team behind the artisan business Sloemotion Distillery, Finders brings a fresh angle to the spirits market, offering an exciting new range of drinks with ingredients from near and far.
Don't Fence Me In!
"Give me land, lots of land and the starry skies above, don’t fence me in" goes the song and it provides a starting point for Finders; there are no limitations on what we can make and what botanicals we can use.
Taking the best ingredients from around the world, our great tasting, bold and on-trend flavour profiles will allow your imagination to roam free with every sip.
Breaking the norm
Breaking conventions within the world of drinks, the Finders brand extends across the usual boundaries of the spirits market, producing gin, rum and vodka. Who knows what we’ll produce next, tequila anyone?
Even the design on our bottles crosses frontiers, leading with bold visual collages, vibrant colours and quirky images. Our designers had fun picking the monotone characters, even trawling through our own old family photo albums, looking for images that reflect our boldness, our Spirit of Adventure.